The Contoura procedure is a custom form of LASIK eye surgery. It is performed with a topography-guided laser and is reportedly one of the most advanced forms of LASIK currently approved by the FDA. It generally outperforms standard LASIK eye surgery due to greater precision and personalization in eye treatment.
For any questions on the right eye care procedure for you, consult the eye experts at Universal Vision Medical Center with the advanced technology and skillful hands of Orange County’s most trusted ophthalmologist, Farnoosh Tinoosh M.D.

What is the Contoura Procedure?
The Contoura procedure is a LASIK eye surgery that targets the cornea, or the clear covering of the eye, with a topography-guided laser. A standard LASIK surgery corrects vision by altering the shape of the cornea to achieve refractive correction.
The Contoura procedure delivers greater precision and personalization which in turn achieves better results for the patient. A typical glasses prescription measures the eye’s ability to focus on light as one whole unit. Whereas a custom LASIK gathers hundreds of different points using a special instrument called a topographer and assembles them to more accurately map out an eye’s deficiencies and create a unique ‘fingerprint’ for your eye.
Reported Benefits of Contoura
- Greater quality of vision – The Contoura procedure typically minimizes the risk of vision distortions after surgery and leads to better vision than with glasses or contacts.
- Fewer reported side effects– Numerous studies have reported fewer incidents of light and glare sensitivity following a Contoura procedure.
- Less tissue removal – due to the procedure being more of a more precise nature than conventional LASIK, the laser doesn’t need to remove as much tissue from the cornea. This leads to fewer chances of complications and side effects.
- Suitable for more patients – This procedure can prove effective where standard LASIK falls short in patients with irregularly shaped corneas.
Other Considerations
The Contoura procedure is not yet a viable option for patients who need a touch-up for previous refractive eye surgery. The treatment range is still quite limited, leaving certain patients with higher prescription requirements (i.e. hyperopia) requiring an alternate LASIK eye surgery to better suit their needs.
Consult a Professional
The Contoura procedure offers more personalized and dedicated care eye treatment as opposed to traditional LASIK eye surgery alternatives.
Be sure to explore all of your options in eye care with an experienced eye surgeon dedicated to your successful vision recovery. Farnoosh Tinoosh M.D. is a bonafide expert in the field of refractive surgeries with over 40,000 successful surgeries. He has been awarded numerous prestigious accolades for quality, success, and attention to care with every patient.